
Showing posts from 2010

end of summer again ...

It's unbelievable how time has flown.   Not only has the winter ended since I last wrote, but summer has also come to an end.  A lot has changed in my life since then, and I am still on the doorstep of a new life, as I am rediscovering myself.  I have let lots of things go, and embraced new things, but of course there is still lots more to embrace before I consider myself ready. I was handed over a couple of books which are of interest, written by Norman Vincent Peale. They are a little unorthodox but very encouraging, and I am trying to fix my thoughts permanently in a positive fashion. Other than that, I have gone on to a new routine and consider myself well accustomed to it now.  Therefore I am reasonably content.  I cannot believe how much time has passed since I last stopped briefly here.  I must do it more often ...
It is funny how sometimes we come across quotations right at the moment when we are thinking of something.  My most recent find has been this one: We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. This is said by W. Somerset Maugham. Another delightful quote is one which I believe is by Neitzche: Those who fight monsters must beware lest they become monsters. For when you look long into the abyss, the abyss looks into you . The greatness of these writers is in that they can make sense of our thoughts, sometimes, with what they say - pertinent and clear. More understanding of us than any of those that are closer to us.