An Appreciation - Hon. Justice Emeritus Mifsud Bonnici

I heard, yesterday, that one of the very first lecturers to make an impression on me in law school, has passed on to another life. Hon. Justice Emeritus Giuseppe Mifsud Bonnici, 88 at the time of his passing, was affectionately called "Jojo" by one and all in class, and he was a force to be reckoned with. I still remember him clearly, riling against bureaucracy, indignant at a certain manner of doing things in University and his deep sense of justice - Natural Law and Natural Right. He was not one to be contraried in class - as I imagine was also the case in court. His temper may have appeared short but he was a righteous man - one who stood up for what was right. On his subject in our first year at university - the much hated book, Finnis - I was oft in two minds. The author was a pedant, and the book made heavy reading. Convoluted at best. I hated studying it with a passion and found all forms of philosophy repetitive. However, Jojo would bring up humane issues ...