The introduction of plastic bottles for soft drinks in Malta
As of the beginning of this year, plastic bottles have been introduced for soft drinks in Malta. Until recently, only glass bottles were being used, so that there was a system of bottle returns, that obviously saved much on waste being produced. The introduction of plastic bottles has created some dilemma in my mind. While of course some still threw away the glass bottles, their disposal was not half as harmful as plastic bottles. One can argue that, with all this waste separation, we can recycle those bottles into other plastic items, but how much? It will definitely increase the necessity for plastic-skips, which are already often full to capacity as things stood until now. This may of course sound very conventional, and as though the author is not willing to change. However, having studied various aspects of environmental law, including aspects of anti-dumping legislation (though this in the maritime context), one tends to continue to be sensitive to such issues. Let us hope that N...