
Showing posts from July, 2008

Boy, 3, dies in road accident

Boy, 3, dies in road accident A very tragic accident took place yesterday. Besides my condolences to the immediate family, one should also take a moment to think of the uncle and grandfather, who were with him in the truck. They will bear guilt forever - whether it was deserved or not.

Bisazza Street to become a pedestrian area ?

For several years there have been plans for Bisazza Street to be changed to a pedestrian area. Various unfruitful talks and discussions have taken place, including business concerns and other interested parties. It appears that now this project is about to take a step forward. GRTU has held various meetings with the Minister concerned, the business community and other affected parties during which the following issues were discussed; - clear plan of the proposed project - alternative parking - distribution of goods - traffic management - clear date for commencement of works GRTU reports that the business community is still in the dark as to how this project is to be implemented. The Minister, Hon George Pullicino, informed that this issue is being taken seriously and a study is underway so that a solution will be found for the benefit of all in the shortest possible time. He also informed that if the study would be a suc

Commission works on lower sms rates in the EU

I was delighted to read recently that the European Commission has decided to push towards lower sms rates within the EU, so as to avoid the large differences in SMS charges between SMS's sent within the same Member States, and SMS's sent while 'roaming'. It appears also that the Commission will be striving to push down rates of bills that consumers receive for browsing internet on their mobiles. If technology becomes less costly, I think that mobility should be far better improved.