Cloudy mornings ... and other random thoughts

Yesterday and today morning I woke up to see less of the sun shining than usual. August is almost over, and as we are heading into September, a kind of melancholy hits me. I am enjoying summer greatly, and a hard winter awaits me - plenty of work (thankfully) which will keep me busy through the colder months.

I've been working on my new website, The Ballet Shop, which is entirely new in concept, as well as The Ballet Shop Blog, which runs alongside it, and which I use to market the site. These have taken up quite some time during the summer, as I want them to look great and be user-friendly.

I have also taken plenty of time to swim, which is my favourite form of exercise. I love being in the water, preferably the sea, though the jellyfish have not allowed me to be as comfortable as I used to be in the water beforehand. Nowadays I always have a pair of goggles at hand, to keep an eye on the water around me. I still managed to get nabbed twice by the nasty things, but this did not spoil my pleasure as we have always been ready with remedies at hand.

Other than that, life has been pretty great in its own right, and we've had a whale of a time this summer. Next year we plan to use a bigger boat, which should improve the quality of a day out at sea, and allow us to stay overnight should we choose. There's nothing like a swim at 8 am on a balmy summer morning, and there's no way I will ever wake up early enough to get to a beach at that time, except if I am on a boat, when I manage to wake up very early indeed.

Still, as the thunderstorms come closer (in time), I am not sure whether to anticipate the fresh rain with pleasure, or to do so with anxiety. In any case, come they will ...


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