Out of the Blue Photographic Competition

80% of all life on earth lives in our seas and oceans!  A new photographic competition is being organised in advance of CHOGM 2015:

"A great opportunity to showcase the value and importance of our blue planet is coming in November 2015. The Heads of Commonwealth Governments will meet together in Malta to discuss issues of critical global importance, such as the future of the planet’s Blue Economy – that is, the economic activity that is dependent on oceans, seas and coasts. A vast area of our global ocean lies within the jurisdiction of Commonwealth countries. More than half of Commonwealth countries are islands, to whom ocean matters are of vital importance. These global leaders therefore have critical decisions to make such as how best to ensure the future health and viability of the ocean.
Good pictures can tell stories in ways that words sometimes cannot. We hope that ‘Out of the Blue’ will inspire Commonwealth citizens to use photography to engage with the vast blue world around the Commonwealth, to celebrate its beauty, highlight its importance and alert global leaders to its vulnerability. By doing so, people of the Commonwealth can directly encourage global leaders to take positive action and adopt more of the solutions that we know are at hand to protect and use natural resources in a sustainable way.
The competition is open to all Commonwealth citizens (and all photographs must have been taken in a Commonwealth country). The winning photographs will be exhibited in Malta in November 2015 at the event of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. The competition runs from 8th June until 6th September.Please see the Entry page and the Awards page for details of how you can enter and what you might win."
I think this is an exciting opportunity and I might just take up the challenge though there is little time left. In Malta, the light is very stark except at sunrise or sunset, and urbanisation does not leave much for nature to continue to flourish. But it can be given a shot! 


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