Weight loss and Weight Gain ... and All Over Again!

This yo-yoing of my weight is driving me round the bend! I have recently found that I am becoming far too lazy to actually go into strenuous exercise and, when I do, my head begins to ache and my blood pressure really soars.  I wonder, is it lack of fitness or is it simply that I am meant to exercise more gently and for longer periods rather than the 'short sprint, high impact' style ?

I used to go to Zumba this time one year ago, and Wesley and Ilona are great teachers, providing plenty of motivation and fun. I am also aware that Maria is coming back to Zumba - plenty of reason to get motivated and start a variety of classes.  Other than swimming, dance is the only form of exercise I can do consistently and not get bored, but I do need to change between types of classes as having the same routine each time I go tends to be a bit boring (especially considering that I used to dance at a rather higher technical level with ballet).

I recently found my will to charge the Wii devices again so that I can do some Yoga and the odd exercises at home, but I coupled that with my Calorie Count app, which I have downloaded on my iPhone. Thankfully, the app can also be used on my laptop which means that I do not have to play around with my phone screen when the keyboard is so much amenable to typing fast.

So, wish me luck as i endeavour, once again, to lose some weight in the build-up towards Christmas!


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